Monday, December 24, 2012


Attempting to teach children anything in the last week was completely pointless. They all know that Santa is coming and that presents are appearing at their houses and that is all they want to talk about. If the words Santa or Christmas didn't come out of my mouth they were definitely not listening. We did a lot of crafts in the last week for the blessed holiday that gets them so amped up. We had our holiday musical program that went surprisingly well considering they are a rowdy bunch of 5 year olds this year. We saw the production of How the Grinch Stole Christmas that is put on each year by the older grades at school which was also precious. Friday was PJ day at school thanks to my wonderful idea. Santa also came to school on Friday and we were released at 12:30 for the holiday break. A much needed holiday break. The week was horrendous. The children were like a bunch of wild animals. I think at one point during the week I witnessed them playing something closely resembling rugby in our classroom. They formed a huddle, a scrum if you will, and were just pushing each other back and forth and not gaining any ground in either direction. The oddest thing to witness but no one got hurt and there was no crying so that was good! I slept the long afternoon of free time away on Friday and didn't do much yesterday either. I cleaned the tub and took a nice long soak with aromatherapy bath salts to clear up my stuffy nose and relax my muscles. I took another bath today and lounged around with Olive all afternoon. The day seemed horribly long and never ending and now it is 2:22am and I am sleepless and restless. I may need to take a hot shower to get myself to sleep. Nome sweet Nome, let me sleep through the night please!

Monday, December 17, 2012

White out

After a delightful weekend of sunshine and good weather, the blizzard has hit. I have been told this is nothing compared to the possibilities that may soon come upon us here in Nome, but there is definitely some thick snow blowing through town. This is some blizzard of 91' kind of snow! I live a block from school and I couldn't see school this morning. It is icy wind and big flakes of snow. We have school though! The plows were running all night and I turned on our faucets in the middle of the night to make sure our plumbing didn't freeze. My bedroom window is frozen with the latch unlocked so I am hoping I go home and my window is still closed and my room isn't full of snow. Our entry this morning was full of snow. I never feel air seeping in under the door but the snow sure found a way overnight! The kids had a great time at recess of course and I am thinking I might snowshoe with Kamik later :) I will be wearing my full length down parka to keep my bottom warm! 

Last night was the glorious cheerleader dinner at our house. I made some tastey treats and the girls loved everything. Even the picky eater (worse than me picky) ate my food! They said it was delicious and I know I made my mama proud. They ate all my cookies, most of my buffalo chicken dip, and almost all of my chicken. As usual I made a lot a lot of pasta salad so there is plenty left over to eat for a while. Yum yum! Nothing was burnt and everything came out on time to feed these hungry girls!
 Crazy cheer girls eating my lemon pepper chicken
 I think that is a cookie in her mouth

 Pasta salad before I added the pasta
 Before the baking began. Cream of chicken soup with water and lemon juice. Sprinkle in coarse ground black pepper. Add chicken breast with lemon zest. Lemons placed on top.
Making cookies with Kamik

Sunday, December 16, 2012

School spirit

As a former dancer (I still consider myself to be a dancer even though I haven't danced in three years) I pride myself in my strong dislike of cheerleaders. Somehow I am living with a former cheerleader who is also the new cheer coach for highschool and have been forced to partake in cheer things. I have watched painful hours of cheer routines and been involved with many cheer conversations. UGH. This weekend was the first basketball game of the season. The mighty Nanooks played Friday and Saturday night. First basketball game means first appearance of the cheerleaders. I showed my support for my roomie and her team. I went to a basketball game and watched cheerleading. The two sports I loathe most, even though I do not consider cheering a sport! I put a smile on my face, packed my knitting, and went to the game. I have not been to a basketball game since high school when I danced at them during half time. 3 hours of basketball was way to much for me to handle. I was nice and sat through it all. I even video taped some of the cheer routines and took some photos of the girls with their coach. I wore blue and white to support the Nanooks too. Between all the "excitement" I finished my knitting project. I successfully knit purl a washcloth and I think it turned out pretty good! No added stitches this time :) The Nanook varsity basketball team won their first game even though it was a little rough. Literally, I thought that maybe I was watching rugby or wrestling for a little bit. The boys were all over the floor fighting for the ball. Craziness! I have never seen a highschool basketball game so packed either. Everyone lines up on the court for the team to come out and they get high fives like they are celebrities. The entire bleachers were full of screaming fans that stand until the Nanooks score for the first time, which took a painful 5 minutes. It was definitely the event of the season. I suppose since they don't have hockey in Nome basketball is their only chance to get rowdy in public for sports. 

Tomorrow we are hosting a dinner for the cheerleaders. Since my roomie doesn't exactly cook anything except pizza rolls and macaroni I agreed to cook the meal. 10 cheerleaders and is going to be a long night. I am making buffalo chicken dip for an appetizer, pasta salad, lemon pepper baked chicken breast, and white rice. I baked chocolate chip cookies tonight for desert tomorrow. Don't worry mom, I didn't burn anything! I'll let you all know how it goes! Wish me luck :) 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Be jolly

We have 6 full days of school left and one half day of school until Christmas break! Then I have two glorious weeks off and I am excited. I am thinking that the last Friday we have at school should be a pajama day since my mommy just sent me some sweet new pj pants! But which ones should I wear? Kitty cat pants or monkey pants? Difficult choice. Before our holiday break however we have a holiday concert at school for kindergarten. Oh my goodness if we can get through the concert that would be fantastic. We have a rowdy bunch of kindergarteners this year. They hardly stand still long enough to sing the songs and really do not follow along as a group. It is chaotic. We are making these big banners to hang from the gym ceiling to decorate for the holidays. I have decided that I want Paul Bunyon on our banner so I drew a fabulous picture of him today. I think my kids will each make a decorated pine tree to add to the banner as well since I made Paul all by myself. I was pretty proud of myself for sketching him out this afternoon.
Pretty awesome right?! 
Here are my pretty fabulous gifts from my mommy and daddy

It has also been snowing in Nome the last few days! I am so excited. I actually have a reason to wear my boots and snowpants! I might even be able to snowshoe soon :D 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Snow? Maybe...

I am still anxiously awaiting snow in Nome. There is just a small frosting on the ground. There is plenty  out on the frozen sea, but we want more in town! I want snow out on the playground and in my yard. I want to snowshoe! If I have to go home for snow that is just crazy. I am in Alaska! There better be snow coming my way. It has been cold and windy for the last few days. A winter storm would make me so happy!

Tonight is our work Christmas party. I am excited for tastey food! I will be having halibut, shrimp, rice, and soup. I wonder how long the gathering will last? There are only a few people that I would prefer to sit with all night and talk with. Christmas, as many of you know, is not exactly my thing so I am hoping for just a good meal and some funny conversation and an early ending to the night. 2 1/2 weeks till Santa comes and I can no longer use him as a motivator for my kindergarteners. I'll have to find something else to motivate my kiddos into good behavior! 

Hope all is well in MN and I hope you have snow!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Grandma turns 90

My Great Grandma Schultz is turning 90 this week! Holy moly that is amazing. I am so lucky to have a great grandma. I know so many do not have great grandmas in their lives. I had two until I was 16. Grandma Schultz makes the best chicken kluski soup, the best monkey bread, and the best jellies. Grandma Schultz used to make a nest at the foot of her bed for me to sleep in on overnights and she would make bunny shaped pancakes in the morning. She had a sewing area in her basement and a drawer full of bells that I loved to play with. Grandma Schultz is everything polar bear and I adore her collection. I was sad that I missed her 90th surprise birthday party this last weekend, but I know she was thinking of me while they partied! I sent her a birthday postcard and soon I will be sending her a disposable camera full of pictures from Nome. My class even took part in saying happy birthday.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

3 months in

I've been in Nome for a little over three months now! It is going by really fast. Only three weeks until winter break and that is crazy! I have been able to do so many new things and see new places I can hardly believe it. There is still little to no snow here. We got a dusting last night and it is sticking around, but I am waiting for the first big snow storm. I hope it doesn't all wait for the week of Christmas. So many people are trying to go home and it would be sad to see everyone here stranded. I just want snow! I want to snowshoe the tundra all day long! Our house has been decorated for the holiday thanks to the wonderful principal and his wife who picked up extra decorations for us. We have tinsel garland handing from our windows with blue and icicle lights. There are christmas ornaments dangling too. After a uplifting chat with my Aunty tonight I got the idea to make a fireplace and mantel to "hang" up stockings in our living room. I think I will make one for my classroom too. I am going to make a tree also for at school. It is definitely cold enough for Christmas, but it doesn't quite look like it outside. Even the ocean is frozen, but still no snow.