Saturday, November 24, 2012

The next holiday on my list...

So Christmas is coming up super fast already this year! Sadly I do not have a super awesome teacher supply store up here to get my kids fun gifts like I did last year. It is a complete bummer. Maybe they will just have to wait for their presents until after I get a chance to come home and get them things. That might be exciting for them, but they will also be bummed not to get something before Christmas, don't you think? If someone gets a chance please send candy canes for my kids! I would also love to share a bucket of popcorn with my kids! I also need cotton balls for art projects. While you are out I also need a few cans of shaving cream, not for my legs but for art projects so it doesn't matter if it is the super cheap kind from the dollar store or not because it will still work! It needs to be the cream kind, not the gel that turns into foam. If you happen to visit Jo-Ann's take a peek if they have any cute little crafty kind of things we (or just me) could do. They usually have buckets of foam sticker pieces that can be made into something or foam snowflakes that we can glitter glue. My class loves art projects and they are really very good so we can use anything! Oh and jumbo popsicle sticks and yarn. Mom I know you have tubs of yarn in the basement so send some my way if you get a chance :) Thanks everyone!! My kids will love you for these artsy gifts :) 

If you are shopping for me for the holidays here's my list :D
*Subway giftcard
*Walmart giftcard
*Amazon giftcard
*Barnes and Noble giftcard or Half Price Books giftcard
*Wool socks
*Knee high socks
*Scary movies-a lot have come out on DVD and I haven't seen them because the theater up here is waaaay behind and only shows 2 movies a month
*Camelback backpack with a water pouch inside that I can use when I go snowshoeing or hiking on the beach
*small desk that I can assemble in my bedroom at my nome home
*Down vest (they are all the rage here and I don't have any)
*Cotton long sleeve shirts in any color (preferably not striped) 
*sweater dresses
*thick tights (preferably footless)

thanks for loving me enough to let me venture out into the world!

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